为了便于配置,Valaxy 将配置分为了三种。
: 站点信息配置,这部分内容面向站点展示,且在不同主题中也是通用的格式themeConfig
: 主题配置,这部分内容仅在特定主题生效runtimeConfig
: 运行时的配置(由 Valaxy 自动生成),用户无需配置- 其他 Valaxy 通用配置内容(如需要在 Node 端处理的配置
To simplify config, Valaxy divided the configuration into 3.
is the main entry of configuration.
: Site info config. This affects info displayed on the site, and is independent of themes.themeConfig
: Theme config. This part is effective only when the specific theme is in use.runtimeConfig
: Runtime config (generated by Valaxy). You don’t need to modify the config.- Other general Valaxy config (e.g., config that’s needed for Node)
For example:
import type { ThemeConfig } from 'valaxy-theme-yun'
import { defineValaxyConfig } from 'valaxy'
import { addonComponents } from 'valaxy-addon-components'
import { VitePWA } from 'vite-plugin-pwa'
const safelist = [
export default defineValaxyConfig<ThemeConfig>({
// site config see site.config.ts or write in siteConfig
siteConfig: {},
theme: 'yun',
themeConfig: {
banner: {
enable: true,
title: '云游君的小站',
vite: {
plugins: [VitePWA()],
unocss: {
addons: [
Site Config
更多详细配置可参见 types/config.ts。
packages/valaxy/types/config.ts SiteConfig
import type { FuseOptions } from '@vueuse/integrations/useFuse'
import type { ZoomOptions } from 'medium-zoom'
import type { ILazyLoadOptions } from 'vanilla-lazyload'
import type { RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router'
import type { ValaxyAddon } from '../types'
import type { DefaultTheme } from './default-theme'
import type { PostFrontMatter } from './frontmatter'
import type { FuseListItem } from './node'
import './default-theme'
* @zh 社交链接
export interface SocialLink {
* The title of your link
name: string
link: string
* 图标名称
icon: string
* @zh 图标颜色
color: string
export interface RedirectRule {
to: string
from: string | string[]
export interface RedirectItem {
from: string
to: string
// shared with valaxy node and client
export interface SiteConfig {
* enable auto (light/dark mode)
* @default 'auto'
mode: 'light' | 'dark' | 'auto'
* Default language
* @description 默认语言,设置 `zh-CN` 以改变默认语言为中文
* @default 'en'
lang: string
* alternative languages
* @description 可选语言
* @en If you want to disable multi-language support for your site, you can set this to only include one language (e.g. `['en']`)
* @zh 如果你想要禁言站点的多语言支持,可以将此项设置为仅包含一个语言 (例如 `['zh-CN']`)
* @default ['en', 'zh-CN']
* @see
languages: string[]
* You site url in web, required for ssg & rss
* @description 站点的完整 URL,SSG & RSS 需要(譬如生成版权处文章永久链接)
* @example ''
* @default '/'
* @see
* @en_US Timezone configuration
* @zh_CN 时区配置,国内推荐使用 'Asia/Shanghai'
* @description:en-US This configuration is used to generate times with timezone when no timezone is set
* @description:zh-CN 当时间没有设置时区时,使用该配置生成带时区的时间
* @default ''
timezone: string
url: string
* Site title
* @description 站点标题
title: string
* 副标题
subtitle: string
* 站点描述
description: string
* The owner of this blog
* @description 博客作者
author: {
* Your name
* @description 你的名字
name: string
email: string
link: string
avatar: string
* The status of you
* @description 状态
status: {
* Emoji representation of your status like '👨💻'
* @description 你的状态的 Emoji 表示,如 '👨💻'
emoji: string
* show when hover emoji
* @description 当鼠标悬浮在图标上时显示
message: string
* @zh 个人简介
intro?: string
* show last updated time by git/mtime
lastUpdated: boolean
* icon for your website
favicon: string
feed: {
* name: feed -> feed.xml / feed.atom / feed.json
* @default '' -> feed.xml / atom.xml / feed.json
name: string
favicon: string
* 社交链接
social: SocialLink[]
* @en search engine for your site
* @zh 搜索功能
search: {
* @zh 是否启用
enable: boolean
* Search Type
* - algolia: Algolia Search
* - engine: Engine Search, like Google/Baidu
* - fuse: Local Search by fuse.js
type: 'algolia' | 'engine' | 'fuse'
* fuse search
* @see
* @description 本地搜索
* Please set search.type to 'fuse'
fuse: {
* @default 'valaxy-fuse-list.json'
* @description 搜索结果列表数据所在路径
dataPath: string
* @see
options: FuseOptions<FuseListItem> & {
* @en_US The fields to be searched.
* @zh_CN 搜索的字段
* @default ['title', 'tags', 'categories', 'excerpt']
* @description:en-US List of keys that will be searched. This supports nested paths, weighted search, and searching in arrays of strings and objects
* @description:zh-CN 搜索将会涉及的字段列表,支持嵌套路径、加权搜索以及在字符串和对象数组中进行搜索
* @see
keys: FuseOptions<FuseListItem>['keys']
* set post default frontmatter
frontmatter: Partial<PostFrontMatter>
* comment: waline/...
comment: {
enable: boolean
* third-party plugin need cdn
* aplayer, twikoo
* @default ''
cdn: {
* prefix for your third-party
* @default ''
prefix: string
* The license of your posts
* @description 文章所使用的协议,默认使用 Creative Commons
* @default
license: {
* Whether to show at the bottom of the article
* @description 是否显示在文章底部
* @default true
enabled: boolean
* Creative License Language, same with your config.lang
* when lang === 'zh-CN', use 'zh'
* @description 默认与站点语言相同
* @default 'en'
language: string
* Type of license
* @description 证书类型
* @default 'by-nc-sa'
type: 'zero' | 'by-sa' | 'by-nd' | 'by-nc' | 'by-nc-sa' | 'by-nc-nd'
* donate for author
* @description 打赏/赞助
sponsor: {
enable: boolean
* Donate button title attribute
* @description 打赏按钮的 title 属性
* @default zh:'打赏' en:'Donate'
title?: string
* Donate content description
* @description 打赏的描述内容,在按钮下方所有图片上方,与图片一起折叠
* @default undefined 不显示内容
description?: string
* @zh 赞助方式
methods: {
name: string
url: string
color: string
icon: string
* image preview by medium-zoom
* @url
mediumZoom: {
* @zh 启用图片预览
enable: boolean
* For example: '.markdown-body img'
* @default '' content.value querySelectorAll('img')
selector: string | HTMLElement | HTMLElement[]
* @zh 配置项
* @see
options: ZoomOptions
* lazyload by vanilla-lazyload and markdown-it-image-figures
* when vanillaLazyLoad.enable is true, imageFigures removeSrc is true, classes is 'lazy'
* @see
vanillaLazyload: {
enable: boolean
options: ILazyLoadOptions
* Floating Vue configuration for floating footnote tooltips.
* @see
floatingVue: any // FloatingVueConfig is an alias of any, consult the documentation for actual type
* displayed posts length in every page
* @default 7
pageSize: number
* statistics readingTime and wordCount
* @description 统计阅读时间和字数
statistics: {
enable: boolean
readTime: {
speed: {
* Chinese word count speed
* @description 中文每分钟阅读字数
* @default 300 (300 字/分钟)
cn: number
* English word count speed
* @description 英文每分钟阅读字数
* @default 100 (200 字/分钟)
en: number
* @description Encrypt article
* @description:zh-CN 加密文章
* default algorithm: AES-CBC
encrypt: {
enable: boolean
* [encrypt](
* @default AES-CBC
algorithm: string
iv: Uint8Array
salt: Uint8Array
* @description:zh-CN 全局加密密码 todo
// password: string
* @description:en-US Limit the height of the code block in px
* @description:zh-CN 限制代码块的高度,单位是 px
codeHeightLimit?: number
* @description:en-US client redirect rules
* @description:zh-CN 客户端重定向规则
redirects?: {
useVueRouter?: boolean
rules?: RedirectRule[]
export type PartialDeep<T> = {
[P in keyof T]?: T[P] extends object ? PartialDeep<T[P]> : T[P]
* config generated by runtime
export interface RuntimeConfig {
addons: Record<string, ValaxyAddon>
redirects: {
useVueRouter: boolean
redirectRoutes: RouteRecordRaw[]
export interface Pkg {
name: string
version: string
homepage?: string
[key: string]: any
export interface ValaxyConfig<ThemeConfig = DefaultTheme.Config> {
* @en Site **info** config. This affects info displayed on the site, and is independent of themes.
* @zh 站点**信息**配置,这部分内容面向站点展示,且在不同主题中也是通用的格式
* @see [站点配置 | Valaxy](
* @see [Site Config | Valaxy](
siteConfig: SiteConfig
* The name of theme
* @description 主题名称
* @see 主题橱窗 [Valaxy Themes Gallery](
* @see 如何编写主题? [How to write a theme? | Valaxy](
* @see [默认 Yun 主题示例](
theme: string
* The config of theme
* @zh 请参考对应主题的相关文档
* @description 主题配置
* @see [默认 Yun 主题文档](
themeConfig: ThemeConfig & {
pkg: Pkg
* @en Generated in runtime, do not modify manually
* @zh 在运行时生成,请勿手动修改
runtimeConfig: RuntimeConfig
* user site config
export type UserSiteConfig = PartialDeep<SiteConfig>
* Valaxy User Config
* @description Valaxy 用户配置
export type UserValaxyConfig<ThemeConfig = DefaultTheme.Config> = PartialDeep<ValaxyConfig<ThemeConfig>>
你也可以将其写在 site.config.ts
import { defineSiteConfig } from 'valaxy'
export default defineSiteConfig({
lang: 'zh-CN',
title: 'Valaxy Theme Yun',
url: '',
author: {
name: '云游君',
avatar: '',
* 站点图标
favicon: '',
* 副标题
subtitle: 'All at sea.',
description: 'Valaxy Theme Yun Preview.',
social: [
name: 'RSS',
link: '/atom.xml',
icon: 'i-ri-rss-line',
color: 'orange',
sponsor: {
enable: true,
methods: [
name: '支付宝',
url: '',
color: '#00A3EE',
icon: 'i-ri-alipay-line',
Site info config. This affects info displayed on the site, and is independent of themes.
You can also write it in site.config.ts
For example:
import { defineSiteConfig } from 'valaxy'
export default defineSiteConfig({
lang: 'zh-CN',
title: 'Valaxy Theme Yun',
url: '',
author: {
name: 'Yunyoujun',
avatar: '',
* Site favicon
favicon: '',
* Subtitle
subtitle: 'All at sea.',
description: 'Valaxy Theme Yun Preview.',
social: [
name: 'RSS',
link: '/atom.xml',
icon: 'i-ri-rss-line',
color: 'orange',
sponsor: {
enable: true,
methods: [
name: 'Alipay',
url: '',
color: '#00A3EE',
icon: 'i-ri-alipay-line',
import { defineSiteConfig } from 'valaxy'
export default defineSiteConfig({
author: {
name: '你的名字',
// 你的头像
avatar: 'https://xxx',
intro: '个人简介'
如果你使用 CI/CD 构建部署,远程机器可能处于其他时区,你可以设置时区。
此时将会默认使用该时区格式化时间,并设置 process.env.TZ
import { defineSiteConfig } from 'valaxy'
export default defineSiteConfig({
timezone: 'Asia/Shanghai'
Default Frontmatter
为所有文章设置默认的 Frontmatter。
time_warning: false
import { defineSiteConfig } from 'valaxy'
export default defineSiteConfig({
* 默认 Frontmatter
frontmatter: {
time_warning: false,
Set the default Frontmatter for all posts.
For example:
time_warning: false
so that all articles won’t show reading time warnings.
import { defineSiteConfig } from 'valaxy'
export default defineSiteConfig({
* Default Frontmatter
frontmatter: {
time_warning: false,
Social Icons
export interface SocialLink {
* 社交链接名称
name: string
link: string
* 图标名称
icon: string
color: string
export interface SocialLink {
* The title of your link
name: string
link: string
* Icon name
icon: string
color: string
import { defineSiteConfig } from 'valaxy'
export default defineSiteConfig({
social: [
name: 'RSS',
link: '/atom.xml',
icon: 'i-ri-rss-line',
color: 'orange',
name: 'QQ 群 1050458482',
link: '',
icon: 'i-ri-qq-line',
color: '#12B7F5',
name: 'GitHub',
link: '',
icon: 'i-ri-github-line',
color: '#6e5494',
import { defineSiteConfig } from 'valaxy'
export default defineSiteConfig({
sponsor: {
enable: true,
methods: [
name: '支付宝',
url: '',
color: '#00A3EE',
icon: 'i-ri-alipay-line',
name: '微信支付',
url: '',
color: '#2DC100',
icon: 'i-ri-wechat-pay-line',
你可以通过 sponsor
At the end of each post, show sponsor information.
import { defineSiteConfig } from 'valaxy'
export default defineSiteConfig({
sponsor: {
enable: true,
methods: [
name: 'Alipay',
url: '',
color: '#00A3EE',
icon: 'i-ri-alipay-line',
name: 'WeChat Pay',
url: '',
color: '#2DC100',
icon: 'i-ri-wechat-pay-line',
You can use the sponsor
property to globally toggle if it’s shown.
interface SponsorOption {
enable: boolean
title: string
methods: {
name: string
url: string
color: string
icon: string
或为某篇文章的 Front Matter 单独设置:
Or you can set for each post using front matter:
title: xxx
sponsor: false
:阅读时长(分钟)- 可以设置不同语言的阅读速度,默认
为 300 字/分钟,en
为 200 字/分钟。
- 可以设置不同语言的阅读速度,默认
import { defineSiteConfig } from 'valaxy'
export default defineSiteConfig({
* 开启阅读统计
statistics: {
enable: true,
readTime: {
* 阅读速度
speed: {
cn: 300,
en: 200,
Code Height Limit
You can set the height limit for each article.
譬如设置 codeHeightLimit: 300
,则文章中所有代码块高度都不会超过 300px,并自动折叠。
For example, if you set codeHeightLimit: 300
, the height of all code blocks in the article will not exceed 300px and will be automatically collapsed.
import { defineSiteConfig } from 'valaxy'
export default defineSiteConfig({
// ...
codeHeightLimit: 300,
你也可以在文章的 Front Matter 中单独设置:
You can also set it separately in the Front Matter of the article:
codeHeightLimit: 300
示例可参见 代码块高度限制。
Example can refer to Code Height Limit.
Content Encryption
首先在 site.config.ts
Firstly, enable encryption in site.config.ts
import { defineSiteConfig } from 'valaxy'
export default defineSiteConfig({
// ...
encrypt: {
enable: true,
- 加密整篇文章
- encrypt the entire article
在文章的 Front Matter 中设置 password
Set password
in the Front Matter of the article:
password: your_password
- 加密部分内容
- encrypt partial content
将待加密的内容包裹在 <!-- valaxy-encrypt-start:your_password --><!-- valaxy-encrypt-end -->
Wrap content to be encrypted in <!-- valaxy-encrypt-start:your_password --><!-- valaxy-encrypt-end -->
示例可参见 部分内容加密。
Examples can be found in Partial Content Encryption。
Client Redirects
interface Redirects {
// Whether to use VueRouter, default is true
useVueRouter?: boolean
rules?: RedirectRule[]
interface RedirectRule {
// Redirect original route
from: string | string[]
// Redirect target route
to: string
For example:
export default defineSiteConfig({
redirects: {
useVueRouter: true,
rules: [
from: ['/foo', '/bar'],
to: '/about',
from: '/v1/about',
to: '/about',
, /bar
, /v1/about
这些路由会被重定向到 /about
, /bar
, /v1/about
these routes will be redirected to /about
你也可以在 Front Matter 中配置:
You can also set it in the Front Matter:
<!-- pages/posts/ -->
- /redirect/old1
- /redirect/old2
<!-- pages/posts/ -->
from: /v1/redirect
, /redirect/old2
, /v1/redirect
这些路由会被重定向到 /posts/redirect
, /redirect/old2
, /v1/redirect
these routes will be redirected to /posts/redirect
图片预览(Medium Zoom)
Image Preview (Medium Zoom)
Valaxy 内置了 medium-zoom 进行图片预览,默认关闭。
- mediumZoom
: 是否开启selector
: 可自定义传入选择器options
: 与 options | medium-zoom 一致
譬如开启 Medium Zoom:
Valaxy has built-in medium-zoom to preview the pictures, which is disabled by default.
- mediumZoom
: Set to true to enable itselector
: Custom CSS selectoroptions
: Refer to options | medium-zoom
import { defineSiteConfig } from 'valaxy'
export default defineSiteConfig({
mediumZoom: { enable: true }
In addition, you can also enable it in a certain article independently.
title: Test Medium Zoom
medium_zoom: true
懒加载 Vanilla Lazyload
Lazyload Vanilla Lazyload
Valaxy 内置了 vanilla-lazyload。
默认不开启。 因为 Valaxy 本身会为所有的图片添加 loading="lazy"
,它是浏览器的特性,但如果你希望得到更广泛的兼容,你可以手动开启 vanillaLazyload
Valaxy has built-in vanilla-lazyload。
is disabled by default. Because Valaxy itself will add loading="lazy"
to all images, which is a browser feature, but if you want to get more extensive compatibility, you can manually enable it.
export default defineSiteConfig({
vanillaLazyload: {
// 默认不开启
enable: true,
更多详细配置可参见 types/config.ts。
packages/valaxy/types/config.ts SiteConfig
import type { FuseOptions } from '@vueuse/integrations/useFuse'
import type { ZoomOptions } from 'medium-zoom'
import type { ILazyLoadOptions } from 'vanilla-lazyload'
import type { RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router'
import type { ValaxyAddon } from '../types'
import type { DefaultTheme } from './default-theme'
import type { PostFrontMatter } from './frontmatter'
import type { FuseListItem } from './node'
import './default-theme'
* @zh 社交链接
export interface SocialLink {
* The title of your link
name: string
link: string
* 图标名称
icon: string
* @zh 图标颜色
color: string
export interface RedirectRule {
to: string
from: string | string[]
export interface RedirectItem {
from: string
to: string
// shared with valaxy node and client
export interface SiteConfig {
* enable auto (light/dark mode)
* @default 'auto'
mode: 'light' | 'dark' | 'auto'
* Default language
* @description 默认语言,设置 `zh-CN` 以改变默认语言为中文
* @default 'en'
lang: string
* alternative languages
* @description 可选语言
* @en If you want to disable multi-language support for your site, you can set this to only include one language (e.g. `['en']`)
* @zh 如果你想要禁言站点的多语言支持,可以将此项设置为仅包含一个语言 (例如 `['zh-CN']`)
* @default ['en', 'zh-CN']
* @see
languages: string[]
* You site url in web, required for ssg & rss
* @description 站点的完整 URL,SSG & RSS 需要(譬如生成版权处文章永久链接)
* @example ''
* @default '/'
* @see
* @en_US Timezone configuration
* @zh_CN 时区配置,国内推荐使用 'Asia/Shanghai'
* @description:en-US This configuration is used to generate times with timezone when no timezone is set
* @description:zh-CN 当时间没有设置时区时,使用该配置生成带时区的时间
* @default ''
timezone: string
url: string
* Site title
* @description 站点标题
title: string
* 副标题
subtitle: string
* 站点描述
description: string
* The owner of this blog
* @description 博客作者
author: {
* Your name
* @description 你的名字
name: string
email: string
link: string
avatar: string
* The status of you
* @description 状态
status: {
* Emoji representation of your status like '👨💻'
* @description 你的状态的 Emoji 表示,如 '👨💻'
emoji: string
* show when hover emoji
* @description 当鼠标悬浮在图标上时显示
message: string
* @zh 个人简介
intro?: string
* show last updated time by git/mtime
lastUpdated: boolean
* icon for your website
favicon: string
feed: {
* name: feed -> feed.xml / feed.atom / feed.json
* @default '' -> feed.xml / atom.xml / feed.json
name: string
favicon: string
* 社交链接
social: SocialLink[]
* @en search engine for your site
* @zh 搜索功能
search: {
* @zh 是否启用
enable: boolean
* Search Type
* - algolia: Algolia Search
* - engine: Engine Search, like Google/Baidu
* - fuse: Local Search by fuse.js
type: 'algolia' | 'engine' | 'fuse'
* fuse search
* @see
* @description 本地搜索
* Please set search.type to 'fuse'
fuse: {
* @default 'valaxy-fuse-list.json'
* @description 搜索结果列表数据所在路径
dataPath: string
* @see
options: FuseOptions<FuseListItem> & {
* @en_US The fields to be searched.
* @zh_CN 搜索的字段
* @default ['title', 'tags', 'categories', 'excerpt']
* @description:en-US List of keys that will be searched. This supports nested paths, weighted search, and searching in arrays of strings and objects
* @description:zh-CN 搜索将会涉及的字段列表,支持嵌套路径、加权搜索以及在字符串和对象数组中进行搜索
* @see
keys: FuseOptions<FuseListItem>['keys']
* set post default frontmatter
frontmatter: Partial<PostFrontMatter>
* comment: waline/...
comment: {
enable: boolean
* third-party plugin need cdn
* aplayer, twikoo
* @default ''
cdn: {
* prefix for your third-party
* @default ''
prefix: string
* The license of your posts
* @description 文章所使用的协议,默认使用 Creative Commons
* @default
license: {
* Whether to show at the bottom of the article
* @description 是否显示在文章底部
* @default true
enabled: boolean
* Creative License Language, same with your config.lang
* when lang === 'zh-CN', use 'zh'
* @description 默认与站点语言相同
* @default 'en'
language: string
* Type of license
* @description 证书类型
* @default 'by-nc-sa'
type: 'zero' | 'by-sa' | 'by-nd' | 'by-nc' | 'by-nc-sa' | 'by-nc-nd'
* donate for author
* @description 打赏/赞助
sponsor: {
enable: boolean
* Donate button title attribute
* @description 打赏按钮的 title 属性
* @default zh:'打赏' en:'Donate'
title?: string
* Donate content description
* @description 打赏的描述内容,在按钮下方所有图片上方,与图片一起折叠
* @default undefined 不显示内容
description?: string
* @zh 赞助方式
methods: {
name: string
url: string
color: string
icon: string
* image preview by medium-zoom
* @url
mediumZoom: {
* @zh 启用图片预览
enable: boolean
* For example: '.markdown-body img'
* @default '' content.value querySelectorAll('img')
selector: string | HTMLElement | HTMLElement[]
* @zh 配置项
* @see
options: ZoomOptions
* lazyload by vanilla-lazyload and markdown-it-image-figures
* when vanillaLazyLoad.enable is true, imageFigures removeSrc is true, classes is 'lazy'
* @see
vanillaLazyload: {
enable: boolean
options: ILazyLoadOptions
* Floating Vue configuration for floating footnote tooltips.
* @see
floatingVue: any // FloatingVueConfig is an alias of any, consult the documentation for actual type
* displayed posts length in every page
* @default 7
pageSize: number
* statistics readingTime and wordCount
* @description 统计阅读时间和字数
statistics: {
enable: boolean
readTime: {
speed: {
* Chinese word count speed
* @description 中文每分钟阅读字数
* @default 300 (300 字/分钟)
cn: number
* English word count speed
* @description 英文每分钟阅读字数
* @default 100 (200 字/分钟)
en: number
* @description Encrypt article
* @description:zh-CN 加密文章
* default algorithm: AES-CBC
encrypt: {
enable: boolean
* [encrypt](
* @default AES-CBC
algorithm: string
iv: Uint8Array
salt: Uint8Array
* @description:zh-CN 全局加密密码 todo
// password: string
* @description:en-US Limit the height of the code block in px
* @description:zh-CN 限制代码块的高度,单位是 px
codeHeightLimit?: number
* @description:en-US client redirect rules
* @description:zh-CN 客户端重定向规则
redirects?: {
useVueRouter?: boolean
rules?: RedirectRule[]
export type PartialDeep<T> = {
[P in keyof T]?: T[P] extends object ? PartialDeep<T[P]> : T[P]
* config generated by runtime
export interface RuntimeConfig {
addons: Record<string, ValaxyAddon>
redirects: {
useVueRouter: boolean
redirectRoutes: RouteRecordRaw[]
export interface Pkg {
name: string
version: string
homepage?: string
[key: string]: any
export interface ValaxyConfig<ThemeConfig = DefaultTheme.Config> {
* @en Site **info** config. This affects info displayed on the site, and is independent of themes.
* @zh 站点**信息**配置,这部分内容面向站点展示,且在不同主题中也是通用的格式
* @see [站点配置 | Valaxy](
* @see [Site Config | Valaxy](
siteConfig: SiteConfig
* The name of theme
* @description 主题名称
* @see 主题橱窗 [Valaxy Themes Gallery](
* @see 如何编写主题? [How to write a theme? | Valaxy](
* @see [默认 Yun 主题示例](
theme: string
* The config of theme
* @zh 请参考对应主题的相关文档
* @description 主题配置
* @see [默认 Yun 主题文档](
themeConfig: ThemeConfig & {
pkg: Pkg
* @en Generated in runtime, do not modify manually
* @zh 在运行时生成,请勿手动修改
runtimeConfig: RuntimeConfig
* user site config
export type UserSiteConfig = PartialDeep<SiteConfig>
* Valaxy User Config
* @description Valaxy 用户配置
export type UserValaxyConfig<ThemeConfig = DefaultTheme.Config> = PartialDeep<ValaxyConfig<ThemeConfig>>
Theme Config
参照 使用主题 及您所使用的主题文档进行配置。
Please refer to Using Themes and the theme you are using to configure it.
更多高阶配置请参见 扩展配置。
To Be Continued.