Extend Config


扩展配置是 Valaxy 提供的高阶配置,允许你自定义更多与底层/构建相关的配置。



package/valaxy/node/types.ts ValaxyExtendConfig
import type Vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'

import type { Options as BeastiesOptions } from 'beasties'
import type { Hookable } from 'hookable'
import type { PluginVisualizerOptions } from 'rollup-plugin-visualizer'
import type { presetAttributify, presetIcons, presetTypography, presetUno } from 'unocss'

import type { VitePluginConfig as UnoCSSConfig } from 'unocss/vite'
import type Components from 'unplugin-vue-components/vite'
import type Markdown from 'unplugin-vue-markdown/vite'
import type { EditableTreeNode } from 'unplugin-vue-router'
import type Router from 'unplugin-vue-router/vite'
import type { DefaultTheme, PartialDeep, ValaxyAddon, ValaxyConfig } from 'valaxy/types'
import type { UserConfig as ViteUserConfig } from 'vite'
import type Layouts from 'vite-plugin-vue-layouts'
import type { Options as GroupIconsOptions } from 'vitepress-plugin-group-icons'
import type { createValaxyNode } from './app'

import type { ResolvedValaxyOptions } from './options'
import type { MarkdownOptions } from './plugins/markdown/types'

export type ValaxyNodeConfig<ThemeConfig = DefaultTheme.Config> = ValaxyConfig<ThemeConfig> & ValaxyExtendConfig
export type UserValaxyNodeConfig<ThemeConfig = DefaultTheme.Config> = PartialDeep<ValaxyNodeConfig<ThemeConfig>>
 * fn with options for theme config
export type ValaxyConfigFn<ThemeConfig = DefaultTheme.Config> = (options: ResolvedValaxyOptions<ThemeConfig>) => ValaxyNodeConfig | Promise<ValaxyNodeConfig>
export type ValaxyConfigExport<ThemeConfig = DefaultTheme.Config> = ValaxyNodeConfig<ThemeConfig> | ValaxyConfigFn<ThemeConfig>

export type HookResult = Promise<void> | void

export interface ValaxyHooks {
  'options:resolved': () => HookResult
  'config:init': () => HookResult
   * @see valaxy/node/plugins/vueRouter.ts extendRoute
  'vue-router:extendRoute': (route: EditableTreeNode) => HookResult

  'build:before': () => HookResult
  'build:after': () => HookResult

export interface ValaxyNode {
  version: string

  hooks: Hookable<ValaxyHooks>
  hook: ValaxyNode['hooks']['hook']

  options: ResolvedValaxyOptions

export interface ValaxyExtendConfig {
   * Don't fail builds due to dead links.
   * @default false
   * @deprecated use `build.ignoreDeadLinks` instead
    | boolean
    | 'localhostLinks'
    | (string | RegExp | ((link: string) => boolean))[]

   * options for `valaxy build`
  build: {
     * Don't fail builds due to dead links.
     * @zh 忽略死链
     * @default false
      | boolean
      | 'localhostLinks'
      | (string | RegExp | ((link: string) => boolean))[]
     * Enable SSG for pagination
     * @en When enabled, it will generate pagination pages for you. `/page/1`, `/page/2`, ...
     * @zh 启用 SSG 分页,将单独构建分页页面 `/page/1`, `/page/2`, ...
     * @default false
    ssgForPagination: boolean

   * @experimental
   * Deploy to gh-pages/remote server
  deploy: {
     * @zh 部署类型
     * @en deploy type
    type?: 'gh-pages' | 'remote'

   * internal modules
  modules: {
    rss: {
       * enable rss
      enable: boolean
       * @zh 全文输出
       * @en full text output
       * @default false
      fullText: boolean

   * Markdown Feature
  features: {
     * enable katex for global
     * @see [Example | Valaxy](https://valaxy.site/examples/katex)
     * @see https://katex.org/
    katex: boolean
   * vite.config.ts options
   * @see https://vite.dev/
  vite?: ViteUserConfig
   * @vitejs/plugin-vue options
   * @see https://github.com/vitejs/vite-plugin-vue/blob/main/packages/plugin-vue/README.md
  vue?: Parameters<typeof Vue>[0] & {
    isCustomElement?: ((tag: string) => boolean)[]
   * @see https://github.com/unplugin/unplugin-vue-components
   * exclude @default components/.exclude
  components?: Parameters<typeof Components>[0]
   * @see https://github.com/JohnCampionJr/vite-plugin-vue-layouts
  layouts?: Parameters<typeof Layouts>[0]
   * @see https://github.com/posva/unplugin-vue-router
  router?: Parameters<typeof Router>[0]
   * @see https://unocss.dev/config/
  unocss?: UnoCSSConfig
   * rollup-plugin-visualizer
   * @see https://github.com/btd/rollup-plugin-visualizer
  visualizer?: PluginVisualizerOptions
  groupIcons?: Partial<GroupIconsOptions>
   * unocss presets
   * @see https://unocss.dev/guide/presets
  unocssPresets?: {
    uno?: Parameters<typeof presetUno>[0]
    attributify?: Parameters<typeof presetAttributify>[0]
    icons?: Parameters<typeof presetIcons>[0]
    typography?: Parameters<typeof presetTypography>[0]
  fuse?: {
     * @en_US Extends the metadata fields returned by the search
     * @zh_CN 扩展搜索返回的元数据字段
     * @default []
     * @description:en-US By default, returns the following fields: title, tags, categories, author, excerpt, link
     * @description:zh-CN 默认返回以下字段:title、tags、categories、author、excerpt、link
    extendKeys?: string[]
   * @experimental
   * Enable Vue Devtools & Valaxy Devtools
   * @see https://devtools-next.vuejs.org/
  devtools?: boolean
   * @en config for markdown (include markdown-it plugins)
   * @zh markdown 相关配置
   * {@link MarkdownOptions}
  markdown?: MarkdownOptions & Parameters<typeof Markdown>[0]
   * @en Extend markdown, you can modify the markdown content/excerpt
   * @zh 扩展 markdown
  extendMd?: (ctx: {
    route: EditableTreeNode
    data: Readonly<Record<string, any>>
    content: string
    excerpt?: string
    path: string
  }) => void
   * @en Addons system
   * @zh 插件系统
   * @see 为什么需要插件? [Why Addon? | Valaxy](https://valaxy.site/addons/why)
   * @see 插件橱窗 [Addons Gallery | Valaxy](https://valaxy.site/addons/gallery)
   * @example
   * ```ts
   * import { defineValaxyConfig } from 'valaxy'
   * import { addonTest } from 'valaxy-addon-test'
   * export default defineValaxyConfig({
   *   addons: [
   *     // we always recommend to use function, so that you can pass options
   *     addonTest(),
   *   ]
   * })
   * ```
  addons?: ValaxyAddons

   * @en Hooks system, you can customize each stage of the lifecycle.
   * @zh 钩子系统,你可以对生命周期的各个阶段进行定制。
   * @see https://valaxy.site/guide/custom/hooks
  hooks?: Partial<ValaxyHooks>

   * beastiesOptions
   * @see https://github.com/danielroe/beasties
  beastiesOptions?: BeastiesOptions

export type ValaxyAddonLike = ValaxyAddon | false | null | undefined
export type ValaxyAddons = (ValaxyAddon | string)[] | Record<string, ValaxyAddonLike>

export type ValaxyAddonFn<ThemeConfig = DefaultTheme.Config> = (addonOptions: ValaxyAddonResolver, valaxyOptions: ResolvedValaxyOptions<ThemeConfig>) => ValaxyNodeConfig | Promise<ValaxyNodeConfig>
export type ValaxyAddonExport<ThemeConfig = DefaultTheme.Config> = ValaxyNodeConfig<ThemeConfig> | ValaxyAddonFn<ThemeConfig>

export interface ValaxyAddonResolver {
  name: string
  root: string
  enable: boolean
  global: boolean
  props: Record<string, any>
  options: Record<string, any>
  configFile?: string
  pkg: Record<string, any>

  setup?: (node: ValaxyNode) => void

export type ValaxyApp = ReturnType<typeof createValaxyNode>


So you can use it like this:

import type { ThemeConfig } from 'valaxy-theme-yun'
import { defineValaxyConfig } from 'valaxy'
import { addonComponents } from 'valaxy-addon-components'
import { VitePWA } from 'vite-plugin-pwa'

const safelist = [

export default defineValaxyConfig<ThemeConfig>({
  // site config see site.config.ts or write in siteConfig
  siteConfig: {},

  theme: 'yun',
  themeConfig: {
    banner: {
      enable: true,
      title: '云游君的小站',

  vite: {
    // https://vite-pwa-org.netlify.app/
    plugins: [VitePWA()],

  unocss: {

  addons: [


Valaxy 默认集成了 @vitejs/plugin-vue 插件,你可以通过 vue 配置项进行配置。

import { defineValaxyConfig } from 'valaxy'

export default defineValaxyConfig({
  vue: {
    template: {
      compilerOptions: {
        isCustomElement: tag => tag.startsWith('my-')


你可以参见 Vite 文档 自定义 Vite 相关配置。

import { defineValaxyConfig } from 'valaxy'

export default defineValaxyConfig({
  vite: {
    plugins: []


可自定义 Markdown 相关配置,如代码主题、区块内容、添加 markdown-it 插件、transformer 等。

效果参见: Markdown

import type {
} from '@mdit-vue/plugin-headers'

import type { SfcPluginOptions } from '@mdit-vue/plugin-sfc'
import type { TocPluginOptions } from '@mdit-vue/plugin-toc'
import type { KatexOptions } from 'katex'

import type MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it'
import type anchorPlugin from 'markdown-it-anchor'

import type { MarkdownItAsync } from 'markdown-it-async'
import type {
} from 'shiki'
import type { PageData } from 'valaxy/types'

// import type { lazyloadOptions } from './plugins/markdown-it/lazyload'

import type { Blocks, ContainerOptions } from './plugins/markdown-it/container'

export type ThemeOptions =
  | ThemeRegistration
  | BuiltinTheme
  | {
    light: ThemeRegistration | BuiltinTheme
    dark: ThemeRegistration | BuiltinTheme

 * Extend Markdown options
 * @zh 扩展 Markdown 配置,包含代码高亮、Markdown-it 和插件配置
export interface MarkdownOptions {
   * Setup markdown-it instance before applying plugins
  preConfig?: (md: MarkdownItAsync) => void
   * markdown-it options
  options?: MarkdownIt['options']
   * config markdown-it
  config?: (md: MarkdownItAsync) => void
  anchor?: anchorPlugin.AnchorOptions
  attrs?: {
    leftDelimiter?: string
    rightDelimiter?: string
    allowedAttributes?: string[]
    disable?: boolean
  /* ==================== Syntax Highlighting ==================== */

   * Custom theme for syntax highlighting.
   * You can also pass an object with `light` and `dark` themes to support dual themes.
   * @see You can use an existing theme. https://shiki.style/themes
   * @see Or add your own theme. https://shiki.style/guide/load-theme
   * @example { theme: 'github-dark' }
   * @example light and dark themes
   * ```js
   * { theme: { light: 'github-light', dark: 'github-dark' } }
   * ```
  theme?: ThemeOptions
   * Languages for syntax highlighting.
   * @see https://shiki.style/languages
  languages?: LanguageInput[]
   * Custom language aliases.
   * @example { 'my-lang': 'js' }
   * @see https://shiki.style/guide/load-lang#custom-language-aliases
  languageAlias?: Record<string, string>
   * Show line numbers in code blocks
   * @default false
  lineNumbers?: boolean
   * Fallback language when the specified language is not available.
  defaultHighlightLang?: string
   * Transformers applied to code blocks
   * @see https://shiki.style/guide/transformers
  codeTransformers?: ShikiTransformer[]
   * Setup Shiki instance
  shikiSetup?: (shiki: Highlighter) => void | Promise<void>

  /* ==================== Markdown It Plugins ==================== */
  // mdit-vue plugins
   * Options for `@mdit-vue/plugin-headers`
   * @see https://github.com/mdit-vue/mdit-vue/tree/main/packages/plugin-headers
  headers?: HeadersPluginOptions | boolean
   * Options for `@mdit-vue/plugin-sfc`
   * @see https://github.com/mdit-vue/mdit-vue/tree/main/packages/plugin-sfc
  sfc?: SfcPluginOptions
   * Options for `@mdit-vue/plugin-toc`
   * @see https://github.com/mdit-vue/mdit-vue/tree/main/packages/plugin-toc
  toc?: TocPluginOptions
   * Options for `markdown-it-container`
   * @see https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it-container
  container?: ContainerOptions
   * Custom block configurations based on `markdown-it-container`
  blocks?: Blocks

   * @see [markdown-it-image-figures](https://www.npmjs.com/package/markdown-it-image-figures)
  imageFigures?: {
    lazy: boolean
    removeSrc: boolean
    async: boolean
    classes: string

   * @see https://katex.org/docs/options.html
  katex?: KatexOptions

  externalLinks?: Record<string, string>
  /* lazyload?: {
    enabled?: boolean
    options: lazyloadOptions
  } */

export interface MarkdownCompileResult {
  vueSrc: string
  pageData: PageData
  deadLinks: { url: string, file: string }[]
  includes: string[]
import { defineValaxyConfig } from 'valaxy'

export default defineValaxyConfig({
  markdown: {
    // default material-theme-palenight
    // theme: 'material-theme-palenight',
    theme: {
      // light: 'material-theme-lighter',
      light: 'github-light',
      // dark: 'material-theme-darker',
      dark: 'github-dark',

    blocks: {
      tip: {
        icon: 'i-carbon-thumbs-up',
        text: 'ヒント',
        langs: {
          'zh-CN': '提示',
      warning: {
        icon: 'i-carbon-warning-alt',
        text: '注意',
      danger: {
        icon: 'i-carbon-warning',
        text: '警告',
      info: {
        text: 'información',

    codeTransformers: [
      // We use `[!code` in demo to prevent transformation, here we revert it back.
        postprocess(code) {
          return code.replace(/\[!!code/g, '[!code')

    config(md) {
      // md.use(xxx)


设置 devtools: false 以关闭 DevTools。

插件 addons

参见 使用插件


参见 UnoCSS
